Hello! My name is Alexander, and I am from Lincoln, Rhode Island. I have spent most of my life living along the Blackstone River. I currently attend school in Worcester, Massachusetts at Clark University. I am studying American law and society at school. I hope to one day become a lawyer like my grandfather and uncle. I am also inspired by my mother who is a teacher and my uncle who served as a State Senator and teacher. I love working directly with other people because I am always learning how to improve my communication skills. I hope I can also teach others to believe in themselves and work to persistently improve themselves as it is the greatest accomplishment anyone can hope to achieve.
I chose to travel abroad because of my frustration that I was not improving myself at home and decided to travel on my own to raise my level of responsibility. I have learned a great deal about myself being here and now I feel a lot more confident in reaching for goals I never thought I was capable of accomplishing. I hope to use our time together to share my personal narrative of overcoming adversity. So many people have helped me get this far, and I'm here to tell you that you can, too, with hard work and a desire to learn about perspectives that are different than your own. Let's explore Belgium together!