I have had a fantastic time going on this journey with you! I have loved answering all of your questions and showing you all of my adventures.
Now, to reveal some last minute surprises... for those of you who are are Harry Potter fans, I wish I could have gone to all of the Harry Potter sites, such as the 9 3/4 Train Station Platform, but I got to do something even better. I met Harry Potter (actor Daniel Radcliffe) himself! He was super nice, and unfortunately, he didn't teach me any spells. For those of you interested in fashion, I was able to sit in the front row at London's Fashion Week and see a real-life fashion show! This was on my bucket list, and I was super happy to check it off. Finally, a must-do while studying in England is to have a proper tea time. I'm more of a coffee person, but I finally had a special tea with my friends. I wish it had been with the queen, but does it count if I think of myself as a queen?
We have traveled to France, Scotland, and around the city of London. We've seen some amazing sights and made many friends along the way. I am sorry you will not be able to join on my journey to Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Greece, but I will think of you while I am there. Continue to wonder about the world. There is always something new to see and learn.