By Train, Bus, Bike, or Boat?


When I am home in South Carolina, I usually drive my car to get where I need to go. Here in Germany though, I have to find other ways to get around. Leaving the house usually means I have to weigh my options. What is faster? What is cheaper? What is more comfortable? Different journeys require different modes of travel, and I find that the most difficult journey is sometimes the most fun.

How do people get around?:

Public transportation is a major part of how German people get around. While it is fairly common for a family to own multiple cars in the United States becasue that is their preferred way to get around, Germans are more likely to take the train (Bahn), bus (Bus), or bike (Fahrrad) to school or work. I live about six miles from my job in Edenkoben, which is a little far to walk, and too cold to bike in the winter. I have found that the best way for me to get to work is to bike to the Hauptbahnhof, or train station, then take a train to Edenkoben. From that train station, it is just a short walk to the school where I work.

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I have always really liked trains, and taking the train each morning is still exciting for me. Each train to Edenkoben looks like a long red tube, and it is fun to watch the farmland zoom past me.
