A Piece of America in Valencia

Embassy saw the need for a program to be made that would bridge the gap between Spain and the United States and strengthen their relationship. Thus, the American Space Valencia was founded.

Why does the community have this need?:

Before moving to Valencia, I knew that I wanted to have a language exchange partner when I studied here. My study abroad program briefly mentioned this opportunity when I was applying, and when I arrived, obtaining a partner was my top priority. My program advisors told me about the program on campus that American students in the past had partnered with, called the American Space. Little did I know that I would be get so much more out of this program than just being a language partner.

I learned so much about Spain and Spanish culture in my first twenty minutes by talking to Noel, my language partner, than I did in my entire first two weeks living in Valencia. He told me of the lack of education about the United States in schools throughout Spain. He asked me many questions about the Spanish American War. He knew it existed, but he had never been taught what happened during that time. He asked about presidents, 9/11, and other key events in history. He also wondered what everyday life was like for an American. While teaching English, I also had the opportunity to share about my life back home and the history of America.

The little knowledge Spaniards have of America comes from the news stories they read or movies they watch.
