What's So Special About October 9th?

On this day every year, the flag is removed from City Hall and carried across town. First, it travels to a huge cathedral in La Plaza de la Virgen. Then it’s onto another plaza called Alfonso Magnanimo where flowers are laid on King James statue. The Valencian national anthem is sung as the flag is marched back to City Hall.

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

This tradition is very much connected to the environment and people here in Valencia. The people in the community play a huge part in the events throughout the day. They celebrate their heritage by dressing as either Moors or Christians and parading through the streets. Each group of dressed locals is meant to symbolize a period of time in Valencian history. A band accompanies every group playing music typical of that particular time.

When the day is over, the songs have all been sung and the fireworks have all burned out, the people of Valencia go to sleep knowing their city is one to be cherished and celebrated until the end of time.   

Valencia, Spain
