Traveler Bio

السلام عليكم (As-salamu alaykum = peace be upon you) everyone! My name is Alora Linehan and I'm a U.S. citizen from Casa Grande, Arizona- a small railroad town in the heart of the dry Arizona desert. Growing up surrounded by vast sunset skies and cactus-lined trails, I developed a deep fascination with how the world works, a curiosity that led me halfway across the globe to Shanghai, China.

Currently, I'm studying neuroscience in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. However, my main campus is in China where I experiment with cell cycle research. My love for science has allowed me to explore how cells function and how their behaviors influence life itself. This semester, I'm thrilled to be studying abroad in Abu Dhabi, where I am spoiled by Islamic pillars of hospitality and equality. This weekend, I plan to go to a Camel Beauty Contest to judge the most beautiful camels! This is just one of the many opportunities I have to explore Arabic culture, as vast as it is.

I'm so excited to share my adventures and discoveries with you and hope that you share your own journeys with me, whether it be exploring a new park in your neighborhood or traveling to another country like me.

Want to know more about how you can study or intern abroad when you are a college student? The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Learn more about the scholarship by clicking here!