I enjoyed the presence of my family greater than any activity that we did. A specific moment when I felt a lot of joy was when we got lost in Mallorca while searching for a monument, and this lead to all of us laughing and trying to solve this problem using our individual phones.
This week I read a few chapters of Historias breves para leer, which translates to, "Short stories to read". This is a required book for my advanced Spanish course; however, the stories are very interesting and engaging, so I enjoy the read. I typically don't find myself leisure reading, otherwise.
This week, I had my windsurfing course, which my family watched from the shore. It was the windiest day that we have had thus far, so it was more difficult than usual to surf, but I always enjoy the challenge of being in this class. It is held on Tuesday and Thursday of every week.
Something I would like to share from my spring break in Italy is that I learned to make alfredo and ravioli pasta!