We're Your Belize Family!

My host mom M is good friends with another family in town, the Joneses. During the holidays, I was invited to their home to celebrate Thanksgiving. From that point on they became my second family in Belize. We had game nights, movie nights, karaoke nights, endless holiday celebrations and fun chats. Within six months of being in Belize, I had two families that welcomed me in as one of their own. I am beyond honored to be a part of both of them. 

I viewed M, T and the Joneses as my family, but it wasn't until three moments occured that I realized they viewed me as one of their own, too. First, at T's birthday party, I was introduced proudly as her sister and her friends greeted me, smiling. From that point on, T and I refered to each other as sisters. The second occurred when T and I showed up trivia together and M exclaimed, "Yay, my daughters are here!" The third moment took place during Easter, when the Jones were taking their family photo while I was standing off to the side. At the same time everyone in the family exclaimed, "Amber, come in the photo! You're part of our family!" 

Intergrating into my community made me feel at ease, peaceful and welcomed. Saying "yes" to going on mini errand trips, attending celebrations, cooking dinner with my moms, getting lunch with my sister and so much more enabled me to become a part of the community. Although my families had met many Americans before, there were few they welcomed into their home and accepted as much as they did with me. I'm proud to be part of both families. 

Another important form of community integration for me was joining a volleyball club in town.
