Studies have concluded that Lesothosaurus was probably an opportunistic carnivore, feeding primarily on small animals during seasons when softer plants were not available. They managed to survive the entire Jurassic and Cretaceous periods... a span of almost 150 million years. I have yet to visit one of the Lesothosaurus footprint sites, but I am eager to do so before my service ends!
My favorite animals (besides cats!) are elephants. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to see one in the wild. In June, I traveled to a national park outside of Lesotho to see as many animals as I could in a day. I was so happy to see so many African elephants, and each encounter got better and better. I have a fantastic video of an elephant walking towards our vehicle to get a closer look at us. They are so curious and are a joy to watch.
In southern Africa, the majority of elephants do not roam freely. Industrialization and loss of habitat have forced many elephants to live exclusively inside of national parks. There are some parts of Africa where elephants roam freely but they are disliked by farmers because they destroy fencing and can eat their crops very quickly, causing some governments to sponsor elephant cullings (killings) to please locals and farmers that are located along the pathways of elephants. I don't mind viewing elephants in national parks because I know that my entrance fee goes toward supporting park guards in keeping poachers out and keeping the elephants safe from challenges like car traffic, electric fencing and further habitat loss.