St. Basil's Cathedral in Red Square


This is what you would see if you looked up standing in front of St. Basil's
This is the first room in St. Basil's, where relics are kept. Relics are items believed to have miracle powers and religious worth
This is another view of the relic room, focusing more on the art work. These frescos are called icons and depict religious figures and scenes
This icon, the Trinity, has many variations throughout Russian history and is arguably the most important and most commonly depicted scene
Here is another icon. Take a second to Google Italian religious paintings, do you notice a difference between the two styles?
St. Basil's is composed of two levels; this is the upper cathedral
St. Basil's is named for a 'yurodivy,' a holy fool. These were mentally ill people who were protected by society and allowed to say anything because it was believed they had been touched by God. St. Basil accosted Ivan the Terrible for his crimes
Pictured here is the group that I traveled around with during Spring 2020 along with our guide

