Muddy Landscapes Lead to Sticky Situations

Riding in ATVs is awesome and feels just like driving a go-kart at an amusement park. However, we need to be very careful and wear helmets because they can be dangerous and the landscape changes all the time. One ATV in our group has already gotten stuck in a big puddle, so we need to be extra cautious going forward!

Paddling kayaks on the lakes can be very bumpy as the winds are often strong here. We wear life vests and have a rope to tie us to shore in case we fall in. We also have to do a lot of walking and wear very tall rubber boots to keep out any water and mud.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Yes, these modes of transportation are often used by the local residents. Many people here hunt for their food, so they need to be able to utilize ATVs, trucks and boats to get close to the animals. Right now, caribou hunting is very popular and can only be accessed by ATVs. Soon, whale hunting will be starting, and residents will be out in the frigid Arctic waters for several weeks before the ocean freezes. Many people drive their ATVs and have bonfires out to the beach.

Utqiaġvik, Alaska
Location Data:
POINT (-156.788611 71.2905556)
