Beautiful Scenery Everywhere You Go!

What parts of this environment help people to live here?:

I have realized that having beautiful parks and beautiful environments around the city motivates people to go out and enjoy afternoon strolls with their family members or pets. This in return can help reduce the stress associated with living in a high-paced city like Seoul. These areas also promote exercise and help much of the population become and remain active through their adult lives.

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

These beautiful areas within the city are so well-known and famous that they may become overpopulated. This may cause some environmental issues such as littering, overflow of trash and recyclables, or disturbances due to late hour activities In the neighborhood. 

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

Over the years, mountain and park areas have become staples for families and the elderly to enjoy nature. These areas contain exercise sections with a few fun exercise machines. One of the most interesting machines I saw in Busan's Citizen Park, helped keep your core and work your stomach by turning your entire body upside down. other machines are still bicycles that help your cardio and performance leg performance. Mountain parks like This has become part of the ideal life and a reminder that nature helps us feel good and healthy. 

Seoul, Korea
Location Data:
POINT (126.9779692 37.566535)
