Xin Chào! Hello! My name is Arria (Are-e-ah) Hauldin (Hall-din) and I am from sunny south Florida. Although I was born and raised in south Florida, my family is from the island country of Jamaica. I grew up eating curry goat and rice while sipping on pineapple juice and coconut water. As a kid my family was not able to travel much, but I loved learning about world geography and history and dreamed of exploring the world one day.
Currently, I am a senior at Florida State University. I am studying anthropology, which is the study of humans. I love learning about new languages and different cultures! In my free time, I love to sing and dance (badly), write songs, look up random facts, watch movies and learn new languages. Right now I am studying Vietnamese. I love all colors and animals (except lizards) and enjoy eating sweets. I am not very good at taking photos, but I try my best to make them not too blurry!
Right now I am in the Bac Giang province, located in northern Vietnam, living with a wonderful host family! I teach English at the Sun School during the week and try to explore the country in my free time. I can't wait to share my journey and experiences with you all!