Industrialization and Invention in Hungary

It was not until after 1870 that Hungary itself started catching up with the rest of the Empire.

The global industrial revolution is marked by invention and innovation. In this spirit, let's cover some of the most famous Hungarian inventors and their inventions! 

Ernő Rubik

The most famous modern Hungarian invention is the Rubik’s Cube, which was invented by architect Ernő Rubik in 1974. He originally intended the Rubik’s Cube to be a study toy to help his architectural students at the Budapest College of Applied Arts learn and understand 3D modeling and working through puzzles. 

László Bíró

Bíró invented the modern ballpoint pen throughout the 1930s, as he was a journalist trying to find a way to write with quick-drying newspaper ink. They did not work with fountain pens, as the ink would try too fast to write with. In 1945, the ballpoint pen became available for purchase, and writing was never the same again!

Albert Szent-Györgyi

The chemical compound known as vitamin C was discovered by Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi in 1930. He won a Nobel prize for this discovery in 1940.

Dénes Gábor

Holography and holographic imaging were invented by Hungarian-British engineer Dénes Gábor. He had over 100 Hungarian patents, and he won the Nobel Prize in 1971 for his invention of holography. 

Péter Károly Goldmark 

Life today would not be the same without this Hungarian engineer.
