In February, I visited my friend’s family in their village in the Gansu province. The village where my friend’s family lives is nestled between two big mountains. It is about 40 minutes away by car from the nearest city, so it is rather remote. I also grew up far away from a city, so it reminded me a little of home. My friend’s parents and many of her cousins still live in the village. Her aunts, uncles and grandmother live in a village on the other side of the mountain. Her brother and sister live in a nearby city, and she lives in Shanghai for work.
Life in the village is much more relaxed than life in the big city. Everyone knows each other and interacts frequently. For example, in the evening people gather at the general store to chat while small children play together as their parents catch up. Even though I was not from the village, the people were all very kind and welcoming to me during my stay. I was invited to many of my friend's relatives' homes to have a meal and to visit with them.