Studying abroad has been my goal for many years and was the #1 thing that I worked towards during my younger life. From saving money, to spending countless hours in research and preparation, travel was on my mind every day. Now that my time abroad is coming to an end, I will forever look back on what I learned and lived through.
Every day here in Seoul was beneficial and always taught me something about the world and myself. There were amazing parts, scary parts, parts I expected and parts I didn't; but every part I took on and even embraced! Seoul and where I come from may have more differences than similarities, but living here has given me first-hand experience about things I could have only imagined before. I now feel more prepared to move forward in my life and am excited for my next big goals and projects, but also to take things one day at a time and enjoy my life!
I'm excited to go home and have a new found appreciation, love and comfort for the things I grew up with. I'm excited to have long conversations and answer questions with anyone who is interested in how I've lived during my time here. I do believe that I will face a "reverse culture shock" and will have to catch up on all that I've missed. Four months away...so much can change and happen.