Hello! My name is Brianna and I am currently living in the heart of the Pacific, Samoa! I am teaching English here as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I am 24 years old from Tucson, Arizona. I was born and raised in Tucson. Up until now, I spent my entire life in one city. I even went to a university in my hometown, The University of Arizona. Since I graduated from university, I have not been back home. First, I lived in Italy for a year, and now I am here in a completely different part of the globe on this fantastic paradise island of Samoa! I believe my university education helped me with these amazing opportunities. I received a Bachelor's in Global Studies and Italian. I even participated in my university's PeaceCorps prep program, where I was inspired every day by returned volunteers' stories about their travels. I hope to do the same for you and share my journeys with you! Can't wait to share my adventures and exchange stories with all of you!
Peace Corps Volunteers like me live and work side by side with community members around the world, collaborating on locally prioritized projects, building relationships, exchanging cultures and knowledge, and helping transform lives for generations. Learn more by clicking here.