Traveler Bio

Bonjour (Hello)!

I am Bryan J. Meléndez García from the lovely Caribbean city of San Juan, Puerto Rico. I am a political science student minoring in international relations and am passionate about different cultures and languages. The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship allowed me to travel abroad and study politics at a foreign university, which I thought was impossible.

As a study-abroad student at the University of Ottawa in Canada, I hope to improve my French skills while learning about others. One thing that made me study abroad is the rich culture and diversity of a capital city like Ottawa. I hope to share my experiences traveling throughout Ottawa and visiting museums, parks, and restaurants. From a young age, I traveled with my dad through parts of Europe and the United States. These trips enriched me with curiosity about different countries and inspired me to seek more global opportunities. Also, coming from an economically disadvantaged background, I hope to inspire those students that think studying abroad is beyond achievable. Tag along so we can explore and learn more about Canadian roots...together!

Want to know more about how you can study or intern abroad when you are a college student? The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Learn more about the scholarship by clicking here!