Hello everyone! I am so happy I get to share my adventures in Cape Town, South Africa with you. Before I tell you about my experiences in Cape Town, I wanted to tell you a little about the country’s history. Here’s an interesting fact: South Africa is known as the “Rainbow Nation” because its people belong to many different cultures and races. In fact, South Africa has 11 official languages! Originally the indigenous (or native) people, named the Bantu, settled there about 2,000 years ago. Then, a few hundred years ago, travelers from Portugal, Britain and the Netherlands settled on the coast of South Africa to trade food and other supplies with different countries. In fact, the city of Cape Town was created in 1652 by settlers from the Netherlands as a rest stop for ships. Settlers also brought people from Asia and other parts of the world to work for them. Unfortunately, the white settlers were unkind to the native people of South Africa and their workers.
By the 1800s, British settlers controlled Cape Town and combined different regions to create the nation of South Africa. Under their power, the government created many unjust laws that denied the rights of Black South Africans and non-white people.