Since it is a smaller city in Poland, there is limited public transportation. When walking around the center of town though, you do not need a car.
In my daily life, I like to wear sports clothing. In class when I'm teaching, however, I dress smart casual. For me, this means blouses and nice pants. Other teachers wear a wide range of clothing from jeans and sweaters to dresses and high heeled boots.
In my free time, I love to do a few different things. One of the main things that I like to do is go to the gym and meet with a personal trainer. I also love to garden when the weather allows. My other favorite thing to do in my free time is pet the family cats.
I speak English and Polish. To say Hello in Polish, you would say "Cześć!" which can also mean goodbye in an informal setting. For a more formal greeting, you may say "Dzien Dobry" which means Good Morning or Good Afternoon.
My family has four cats that live in our garden. They are very friendly and cute!
I have traveled a bit around Europe. The countries that I have been to include Great Britain, Hungary, Greece, Czechia and Slovakia. Most of these countries are near to Poland in Central and Eastern Europe.