It became entwined with the local cuisine and now it is hard to find a meal without mushrooms. Since foraging leads to such a variety of species, the dishes have become filled with different kinds of mushrooms. It is actually nearly impossible to find every kind of mushroom you may want to use at the local stores.
People also like to hunt for mushrooms because it is an excuse to be together and be in nature. Some refer to hunting for mushrooms as "purposeful walks" where you spend time outside and get rewarded with your hunting. It is not even necessary to eat the mushrooms when you finish, making the journey more important than the destination in the case of this tradition.
The tradition is connected to the environment because mushrooms are so plentiful here and used in so many dishes. Since Poland contains many wooded areas, mushrooms grow everywhere. Poland is known for having some of the more rare kinds as well. Polish people love to go to the woods with their families and look for them to add to meals that often use vegetables they grew themselves. If they don't have time to go hunting themselves, they can stop at one of the many roadside stands that sell fresh-picked mushrooms each day.