What's It Like Being a Kid in Tronadora?

What would you like to be when you grow up?:

Dario's dream is to become a professional soccer player, and he fully understands the committment it takes to attain such a goal. A lot of other kids share similar ambitions, including the goal of earning the opportunity to travel across the globe.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?:

The United States is by far the most common answer. Other popular countries include Mexico, France and Japan!

What do you know or think about the United States?:

The United States, and everything in it is big. Houses, cities, supermarkets... kids here imagine everything in the U.S. as being super-sized, and they're not too far away from the truth!

What questions do you have for kids in the United States?:

What are your favorite foods to eat in the United States? What do you like to do for fun during the weekends? What is your favorite sport to play? What do you do when it snows or it's very cold?

Tronadora, Costa Rica
Location Data:
POINT (-84.9225623 10.5011221)
