My journey is slowly coming to an end. It has been an exciting two months here in Thailand, and I am entering my third month with much enthusiasm! It is sad to finish my Reach the World journey because I feel like I’ve had more of a purpose as I travel. I get to share my experiences with a class of bright young minds and hope that I inspire at least one of you to travel abroad when you grow older. I am so thankful to all of you for reading my stories and staying connected.
Thailand has been nothing short of awesome. My favorite part was scuba diving. It was honestly the scariest thing I ever had to do! Looking back at it now, I can’t believe that I was brave enough to jump off a boat into the middle of the ocean! I was so scared but I knew that if I did not take the chance to scuba dive, I would regret it. Just like many things in life, it is best to just jump and stick with your choice. Have the courage to jump and try something new! I was really scared because I could picture all the things that could go wrong, even though our instructor assured us that we would all be fine. He would be there with us the whole time.
So why was I afraid? I was scared because this was something new. I had never been underwater in the ocean before.