When I first arrived in Rwanda, I was surprised at the variety of food there was. For instance, in my small town, I can find traditional Rwandan food, American food, Italian food, Chinese food and Korean food. It goes to show how many different cultures and people are able to feel welcomed in Rwanda.
One traditional Rwandan food I tried was ugali, which is cassava dough, served with meat and beans. You grab a piece of it with your hands and eat it by scooping up some meat with it. However, most of my meals are a blend of traditional Rwandan food and "western" or American food. For a typical lunch, I usually eat potatoes served with some kind of meat, with a plate of fruit after.
Ugali is rather bland and tastes like eating raw dough; it is a staple food like rice or bread. I like the soft doughy feel of it in my hands.
I love eating all kinds of tropical fruit here; I have never had such good-tasting fruit anywhere else. The bananas and pineapples all taste sweeter and more tart than the ones I have had back home in Michigan. There are also new fruits I have tried like tree tomatoes, which tastes like a watery, sour tomato. Trying new, strange fruits is always exciting. Also, and here maybe elementary school students cannot relate, but the coffee in Rwanda is incredible!