Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

Yushu is about 1,500 miles from Beijing, and we've done quite a bit of driving in the car to our field sites. I've traveled close to 2,000 miles this week! 

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

Almost 6,000 miles. That's a lot! 

How did I get around this week?:

We use large SUVs to drive around. The SUVs are large enough to fit all of us and our sampling gear and are heavy-duty enough to get us through the rough terrain just outside of the city. 

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

In April 2010, there was a massive earthquake in Yushu that leveled the city. Many people died, and the city had to rebuild from the ground up. It was a tragic event that is still fresh in the minds of many that live here. One of the ways to commemorate and remember the event was the establishment of a museum detailing the earthquake, its aftermath, and the way in which the community rallied together to rebuild their city. The museum is open to the public and consists of two floors built underground. It was very humbling to see because it reminds you to be thankful for every happy and healthy and moment you get, as you're life can be turned upside down at any minute. 
