Hi! My name is Chloe. I’m from Long Beach, a city in southern California. I have a dog, Fergus, a 13-year-old Scottish Terrier; I also have a younger brother, Blake, who is a 19-year-old (human). This May, I just finished college in Los Angeles, where I studied Spanish literature and classics.
I love my home, but I also like to travel. I first discovered my love for traveling when I was 10 years old. My parents took my brother and me to London, England, where the double-decker buses I'd only seen as toys became real-sized and I became toy-sized! We visited an ancient town called Yorvik, known for its Viking history. I found out that my family is related to the Vikings. It amazed me that it’s possible to be related to the people who lived so long ago. I decided that I wanted to see more of the world, even as a young, toy-sized human.
Now, this September, 12 years after my trip to the Viking town, I’m preparing to travel to Lugo, Spain. I’m going to Spain to teach English. I feel just as young and equally as excited as I was on my trip to England years ago, because traveling keeps me eternally curious about the world and its layers of history.