But you want to stay in shape. Like at night, after you break the fast, you rest for one hour of time inside, then you go to the beach to run. To maintain my shape, this is what I do. First, I eat. After I eat, I go to the beach for one session of training. I go hard for 30 minutes then I return home. I only work up a sweat. Under these conditions, you eat until you are full when you break the fast. Then you relax your body...relax for 30 minutes, then you go to the beach to jog slowly…run a little…you know, come home and sit. Yes, you do things slowly, step-by-step.
[Here are some interesting excerpts from our first interview when were talking about what Laye does when his religion and his work are in conflict. This may help you with your project with Mr. Douglas, but also to understand that religon is not just something in a book, but something that must be navigated in day-to-day life. Notice how Laye mentions several of the Five Pillars of Islam.]
Religion and wrestling have one important difference: Wrestling is sport only. Sport is a temporary part of life. Because after a time, like the age of 40 years, you stop wrestling. Like for me, religion and wrestling have no link; I myself separate them. At prayer time, I stop my actions, do ablutions (purification), pray to God and then start again with something else. If I am in training, I go train. Religion and wrestling for me are different, not the same. In your life you are with your Owner (God), and he sends down to you the religion that you have to do.