A Future Champion: Pape Socé Prepares for Greatness


Pape Socé repping his sponsor. Làmb is big business in Senegal today, thanks to sponsors like telecommunication and oil companies.
Pape Socé just a few hours before his match. This area of mystical preparation is called a "cumikaay."
Pape Socé is a friend of current reigning "King of the Ring," Modou Lo.
A promotional photo of Pape Socé entering the arena.
Làmb requires immense physical strength, particularly in the lower body.
Pape Socé has his game face on!
Pape Socé is preparing for battle. Part of the preparation includes protection from spiritual forces.
Pape Socé trains at the beach. This is not just because of tradition, but it helps with strength, balance, and flexibility, while recreating in-ring conditions.

