Meet Nico and Will!

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

Will: Well, I'm an artist so I mostly wear all white. It represents a lot of things: a blank canvas, purity, light, etc. I mostly wear shorts and shirts because it's really warm here.

Nic: I only wear cool things because I'm a cool guy!  Just kidding, I mostly just shop at thrift stores and I pay attention to trends on social media.

What do you like to do in your free time?:

Will: I make music, I write music, or if not, I like hiking or getting into nature.

Nic: I'm a big fan of photography, so I do a lot of that. I'm also big on music and film so most days, I'm relaxing with a movie or grooving along with my favorite bands.

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

Will: I just speak English at home and with my friends. I usually just say "hi" or "hey," but I have been known to throw in a "g'day" every now and again  Sometimes I get the rare "howdagoin" in every now and then.

Nic: I speak English around my friends and family as well, but I do catch myself saying "g'day, chief" often or "how ya goin".  Queenslander is a definite slang in Australia!

Do you have pets?:

Will: I have a cat who's six years old named Macio who's a fine specimen.  I also live with two dogs who I love.

Nic: I don't have any pets.

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

Will: I've traveled up and down the east coast in Australia; I've also been to Indonesia and Cambodia. I also spent five weeks in Europe, traveling around the different countries there.
