Byrek (pronounced "burek") is a traditional food here in Kosovo. It is easily one of my favorite foods from this region. I want to explain what it's like to eat byrek, how it's made, and where it comes from. If I do my job well, hopefully you'll want to try it, too!
There are a lot of different spellings for byrek! Throughout this article, I spell it "b-y-r-e-k" because that's how it is spelled here in Kosovo.
Also, if you really want to try byrek, I'm sure there are tons of places you can find it in Chicago or even in NYC! After I studied abroad, I always used to go to Cafe Beograd on Irving Park Road in Chicago to eat some of my favorite foods from this region.
Disclaimer: To be honest, this is not my first time trying byrek. When I studied abroad in Serbia, I ate it all the time! But it is so delicious and a very important food in this region, so all the more reason to share it.