The South Korean population is aging for many reasons. One of them is that fewer people are having children. Reasons vary from not having enough time to raise children to the cost of raising children being too high. In the past, when Korea was an agricultural society, having many children was good because more children meant more workers. Now society is quickly modernizing and that need no longer exists for most people. Another reason is that life expectancies are increasing. With more access to healthy foods, medicines and hospital care, people are living longer than ever before. Because of these reasons, I see many elderly people when I'm out and about in Seoul.
The need to lower the median age of Korean society is an uphill battle. Even though many campaigns have been implemented to encourage women to have children, society is still aging quickly. Many women are focusing on their careers or simply don't want to have children because of the stress and costs involved. Now, many aging societies like South Korea and Japan are looking toward other solutions such as technology. Technology can help by providing a new source of labor in place of people. So yes, robots are going to be, and to some extent have been, an integral part of society here!