Akwaaba! Hello!
My name is Emily Manakides and I was born and raised on Long Island, New York in the United States. Growing up, I spent much of my time drinking coffee, playing the guitar and diving into the ocean's great blue waves. To this day, not much has changed! When I am home during the summer, I love to take my guitar to the beach and watch the waves crash down as I play a new song. If I am not at the beach, I am most likely hanging out with my family. I live with my mom, dad and big brother, as well as two cats that are very important to me. My family, minus the cats, is very adventurous and loves exploring new places. Their encouragement is one of the reasons why I wanted to take the plunge and cross the Atlantic Ocean to Africa.
I have wanted to travel to Africa for a long time but was unsure of the best way to experience such a foreign land. There were hundreds of questions that filled my head regarding the food, the clothing and the interactions between people. The only way to satisfy my questions was to step foot on the continent myself and see firsthand what life is like there. Ghana, specifically, is a country that continues to overcome barriers with a powerful emerging economy. Within my short time here, I have learned so much about myself and how similar all people are no matter where they are from. There is plenty more for me to figure out, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you!