Since palm trees are found all over, it is not uncommon to see a bunch of men doing their best to knock the fruits off the trees. This is one way that people make money in the area. When you are walking down the street early in the morning, you just might run into a couple of men rolling around a wheelbarrow full of coconuts. They have designated spots where they go and sell the coconuts from sunrise to sundown. Coconut water is popular in Ghana, too, and locally extracted coconut water can be found at different markets.
Palm trees also provide the source of palm wine and palm oil. Palm wine is not alcoholic, and it is extracted directly from the tree itself. To obtain it, the tree is tapped, and the liquid is left to drain into a container for several hours. It is a local favorite drink, with a taste that's mildly sweet and very earthy. I have met some Ghanaian students who have families that make palm wine right at home. Palm oil has a number of uses and is a great source of vitamin A, or so I’ve been told.The oil is extracted from the palm nut kernel and is the signature ingredient in the Ghanaian dish, redred. It is a smooth, deep red color which makes it look a little like tomato sauce. Palm oil can also be used for many other foods, such as palm nut soup.
The two seasons in Ghana are the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season runs from about October to December, and the dry season is from January to September. During the rainy season, the air is moister than it is during the dry season. Humidity rises exponentially, and rainfall can be sporadic and unpredictable.