It has been so nice to meet all of you and to teach you about Morocco! Since I moved here, I have learned so many things, and I hope that you have learned some things from me, too.
When I first arrived, I felt scared and confused because everything was so different from what I was used to and the new language was difficult for me. Luckily, my host family, my other volunteers, and all the kind Moroccans helped me to learn the language, understand the culture and feel better when I missed home.
I have grown and changed so much since those first days, and I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I think about how comfortable I am now. I can now easily communicate with my students and travel alone here, and I have made so many new friends. I am very excited to continue my work with English classes, summer camps, and the environmental club. As I reflect on my time here so far, the most important lesson that I have learned is that it is important to embark on adventures even if they seem scary at first. If I had let myself be too afraid to come here, I would have missed so many new experiences and lessons. Even if it seemed scary and difficult at first, Peace Corps service has been the most exciting time in my life. Never forget that you can do hard things!