Salemyetsizbe! Privyet! Hello! My name is Emma Larson, and I'm so excited to connect with your classroom. I was born and raised in Long Beach, California. I went to elementary, middle, and high school in California and then moved to Massachusetts for college. I graduated from Williams College, where I studied history and Russian.
I chose to study Russian because I'm really interested in learning about the people living in Russian-speaking countries. This year, I am living in a country called Kazakhstan. Have you ever heard of Kazakhstan? If not, don't feel bad! I also did not know very much about Kazakhstan before deciding to live here!
Kazakhstan is a huge country, one of the largest in the world. I wanted to live in Kazakhstan because the people here are very friendly. I also wanted to learn more about Kazakhstan's history and culture. Hundreds of years ago, the people in Kazakhstan were nomadic (wandering from place to place looking for food). As someone who has lived in the same house for most of my life, I find this way of life fascinating.
While in Kazakhstan, I will mainly teach the English language to college students. Outside of teaching, I hope to participate in other hobbies, such as trying Kazakh food, joining a Kazakh choir, going on hiking trips, and reading Kazakh poetry. I look forward to sharing these adventures with you!