Mapuche People, Music, and the Environment

A defining symbol of the Mapuche people today is the kultrun. The kultrun is a traditional drum that plays an important part in Mapuche religious and healing ceremonies. An image of the kultrun appears on the Mapuche flag, and Mapuche organizations often incorporate it into their logos. The design of the kultrun represents the Mapuche universe, which includes the environments where Mapuche people live. You’ll notice that the design painted on the top of the kultrun is divided into four parts. The number four is extremely important for the Mapuche people, and there are many sets of four represented through the kultrun. These sets of four include the four cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four main elements and the four central figures of Mapuche spiritual beliefs: the old woman, the old man, the young woman and the young man. The kultrun is so much more than just a musical instrument!

Kultruns also relate to the environment because of how they are made. Traditionally, all of the materials used to construct kultruns come from the local landscape, and contemporary Mapuche instrument-makers maintain this practice as much as possible. Because Mapuche people live in such a large territory that includes multiple different climates and environments, the materials used to make instruments vary by region. For example, kultruns can be made out of the wood of various species of trees, including the foye (canelo), triwe (laurel), lenga or lingue. The type of wood chosen depends on what is available in that region as well as the particular sound that the creator wants the drum to emit when played.
