Different cooking utensils, such as pans, plates and spoons, are used to cook dairy and meat. What makes food Kosher depends on how the animal the meat comes from was killed. The animal must be killed in the most painless way possible in order for the meat to be considered Kosher. Beyond this, no pork products are considered Kosher. However, not all Jewish people eat Kosher. The decision to eat Kosher is entirely up to the individual person.
In Israeli cooking fruits and vegetables play an important role in a dish. Since many of the foods typically eaten in Israel are made using produce grown in Israel, the food is even more representative of the country and the Israeli culture. Throughout the country, many farms grow fresh produce for the entire country. While you can purchase fruits and vegetables in a local grocery store, I prefer to buy my fruits and vegetables at a farmers' market. One of the largest markets is known as HaCarmel Market. At this market, you can find fruits, vegetables, baked goods and even some clothes and special souvenirs.