Whether it is a single piece of paper or a large glass bottle found on the streets, littering and pollution have become a major issue for the country of Israel. However, this issue is not only found in Israel. Many countries, if not all, need to focus on carrying out methods that will help clean up our planet! Back home in New Jersey, my city has organized times and dates when garbage trucks pick up recyclable items. It's clear that some cities, states and countries have placed greater importance on tackling the issue of pollution than other countries.
While living in Israel, I have become aware of the need for a better community system of recycling and reduction of littering. In the past few years, Israel officials have passed a recycling plan to help address the issue of pollution caused by people. However, its efficiency is questionable. During my first few days in Tel Aviv, I noticed that the neighborhood near my hostel was relatively clean, with only the occasional plastic bag or paper on the sidewalk. However, this was not the case for the rest of Tel Aviv. Moving away from residential neighborhoods into major city centers, the littering problem drastically escalates. With only the occasional garbage can available on the street, where does the recycling go?