So it is kind of like the Olympics of American Idol, if you can imagine that. People came from all over Europe to support their countries and it was really fun walking around on the street and hearing so many different languages. Israel was chosen as the host because their representative from 2018, Netta Barzilai, won the competition, and the next year it will be held in the winner's home country. This year the Netherlands won, so next year that country will host the competition. Eurovision fans are really theatrical, so the city was lit up with brigh colors and glitter and all of the bars and restaurants were hosting Eurovision watch parties. It was really a sight to see!
Other than that, it is getting very warm here in Tel Aviv. I bought a fan last week, which felt like big news to me because it made my room so much more comfortable. The beach is not exactly on my way home from work, but now that the sun is setting later in the day and the day is warmer in general, I've been making a point to either ride my bike or scooter home along the beach so that I get to see some of the sunset or sit on the beach. I will be very sad to leave Israel this time around, but I think that I will be back to continue studying biology in graduate school.
I hope I have sparked your interest in corners of the world outside of the United States, whether that may be Israel or somewhere else entirely. I hope that in a few years once you're in college you have the opportunity to study abroad or intern abroad after you graduate. It has been really, really fun getting to share my experience with you, and I've so enjoyed reliving the things I've done as I write them down for you and choose pictures to illustrate what I'm doing.