Traveler Bio

Hello fellow adventurers! My name is Gabrie and I can't wait to tell you all about my experience as an exchange student to Japan.

I am currently living in Tokyo and will be here until August. Since moving here three months ago, I have had the privilege of seeing aspects of both modern and traditional culture. I am exposed to modern Japanese culture in everyday life. However, I also get to experience traditional culture every week. I live in a temple dorm and attend cha-no-yu or "tea ceremony" at the temple every Monday. Every once in awhile, I get to attend other tea ceremony events and even got to wear a kimono to one event at a nearby temple.

I am very grateful to be here in Japan and am grateful that I get to share a little bit of that experience with you. I applied for and received the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, which has helped me make this study abroad opportunity possible.

In sharing my adventures with you, I hope that my stories will cultivate an interest in Japanese culture and international travel in general. I look forward to (virtually) meeting you soon!