GeoGames was created by
Reach the World
and the National Geographic Society Education Foundation
National Geographic is serving as the dissemination partner for Reach the World's exciting interactive GeoGames.
Videos of Students Playing GeoGames
GeoGames Played by Teams Here's an example of GeoGames played on an interactive white board called a "Smartboard" by teams of students working together. The students' ages were between 9 and 10 years old. You'll notice variations on cooperative techniques that the students develop while playing GeoGames. Their performance improved significantly after several practice rounds.
GeoGames Played by Individual Here's an example of GeoGames played on an interactive white board called a "Smartboard" by an 8 year-old student.
GeoGames Demonstration Jeffrey Wiener, the designer of GeoGames, shows students how to use GeoGames on an interactive white board called a "SmartBoard".