And the forests, too, have more different species of trees than I’d ever seen in my whole life.
I’ve also learned so much from the people here, too. Panamanians have such a strong sense of national pride; they love their country and want it to be better for themselves and future generations. From national strikes for better wages to protests against harmful mining operations, I’ve been inspired by the Panamanian drive to change their country for the better. I am also so grateful for all the Panamanians who have graciously shared their country with me.
One of my favorite experiences over the last year has been sharing Panamá with my family. While it was certainly hard to move to a different country alone, it was so fulfilling to introduce them to the communities I've called home over the last year. Seeing the country through their eyes reminded me of what I take for granted–like monkeys outside my house in the mornings–and reminded me to keep my eyes open to the sights, sounds and smells that are so unique to living here.
Through this exchange, I’ve also thought about what makes my home, Oak Ridge, so special. What places would I want to show to a visitor from Panamá? I want you to think about that too. What places in your community you’d want to share with a visitor from a new country? What animals, songs and foods would you want to introduce them to?
While I still have a few months left in Panamá, I’m excited to go back home, take a hike in Obed Wild & Scenic River, grab a bite at Dean’s Restaurant or listen to Dolly Parton while watching a beautiful East Tennessee sunset.