Integrating into the Trinidadian Community

Trinidad time?" so I can then plan my day accordingly. 

In addition to all the cultural adjustments, the people I have met and formed friendships with have been geuinely nice. They are very curious about how life is in the U.S., such as what we like to do for fun, different foods, music and our culture as a whole. They are also very open to sharing their culture and experiences here in Trinidad. In Trinidad, there are three main religions: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, and the island gets time off to celebrate the religious holidays. Diwali is this weekend, and some friends have invited me to attend their parties so I can try the food and learn more about the Hindu traditions that are practiced here. Diwali is called "The festival of lights" and celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over dark. I am very excited to try their vegetarian foods and candies, and see the lights! 
