Hello! I’m Henry, and I’m very excited to share my journey abroad with you all, but first I would like to share a little bit about myself. I’m in 15th grade, and I grew up in a small town called Shorewood, Wisconsin. Right now, I'm studying in Edinburgh, which is the capital of Scotland. I’m super interested in the sounds that make up the words that we say. Why is it that the word "cats" ends in an s sound but "dogs" ends in a z sound? Why do people from different countries sound different when they talk, even when they speak the same language? How do ears even work?! These are all questions that get me super excited to learn.
Here in Edinburgh, I’ll be learning from some of the world’s experts in speech technology, and I’m going to study the way that scientists make computers speak like humans, and even how to make them sing! I’ll also be learning Scottish Gaelic (pronounced GA-lick), which is a language that has been spoken in Scotland for over 500 years, and I hope to learn more about Scottish culture while I’m at it. I feel so lucky that I get to share this journey with you all, and if you have any questions for me, please ask away!
Want to know more about how you can study or intern abroad when you are a college student? The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Learn more about the scholarship by clicking here!