I want to get the most I can out of this experience; this is why, currently, I am trying my best to have conversations with local French people. Whenever I go to a store or food place, I try my best to restrain myself from speaking English, as I'm trying to enhance my French language skills and won't get the practice I need if I just speak English. It's really nice hearing tourists speak English because I feel as if I'm back in the U.S. Some French people tend to speak English, too, which is very helpful for those of us who are not yet fluent in French.The home-stay family I am living with are very friendly: they will repeat, translate or explain anything they just said in French into English for me! I am very happy to have their support, as they are great people. The University of Bordeaux is quite large, so I haven't yet explored the whole campus; but I've had lunch at their student cafeteria, already. I'm excited for my literature courses to begin because I'll be able to read about new works and new authors. I will continue walking around the city, although I feel as though I've walked about so much I now couldn't get lost. Hey, you never know: maybe someday soon I'll be the one giving directions to help someone find their way around the city of Bordeaux