And we’re out!

Puerto del Rosario, Spain
28.500821000000, -13.862836700000
Journal Entry:

Wow! It's hard to believe that our journey is already finishing up. Do you remember ten weeks ago when you (probably) didn't even know that this island exists? I bet it was hard to think about how I'm in Spain, but also living on an island off the coast of Africa.

By now, you've learned a lot of things about Fuerteventura and Spain. You've heard a little bit about the different typed of Spanish that we speak here. You've read about how school is different in Spain than it is in the United States (hello shorter school days!). Most fun for me, you've also learned about some of the different foods I've gotten to eat since coming to the island (I wonder if you've tried to make tortilla yet?).

You've also found out a bit about how things are the same. We talked about how Halloween here was very similar to Halloween in the United States. And honestly, snack time can only be so different no matter where you go.

You got to read and hear about some of the amazing things I see on this and other islands. You came with me for my marathon on Tenerife. You saw pictures from camping and hiking all over Fuerteventura. And we even saw some goats along the way! (P.S. I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for a camel, but no luck yet.)
