Our News

The Sami language and chants are often used in the music to add to the vocals. 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

I learned how to cross country ski this week in Lapland! I learned how to "downhill" ski this past winter in Finland, but surprisingly, cross-country skiing was much more difficult! It takes a lot of focus and balance, even though it is typically on flat, snowy trails. The sun came out for an extended amount of time and it was such a great workout!

What did I read this week?:

I tried to teach myself a little bit of the Sami language to help communicate with some of the Sami students I worked with this week. I tried to read a Sami newspaper, which was very difficult and different than Finnish. I will need to practice! 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

The Sami students loved playing a game called, "floor ball." This game is popular all across Finland and involves wooden hockey sticks, a small, light ball and two goals. The players try to pass the ball to their teammates to try and shoot the ball into the goal. This game is similar to field hockey in America, but the game is often played either on a snowy field or inside on a court. We had so much fun playing against each other and I loved learning a new game. 

Other news from this week:

While I was observing in the Sami school, I learned a lot about the ways that the students learn in the classroom. Although the school language is "Sami," the teachers incorporate active movement and play into their lessons, just like Helsinki teachers do!
