Herzlich Wilkommen! (Heartfelt welcome!) My name is Julia. I am 23 years old, and I grew up in the small town of Sonora, Texas. After high school, I attended Baylor University, which is about a four-hour drive from my hometown. While there, I studied communications and German. During my time at Baylor, I developed a love for language and culture, and my major in German led me to where I am now!
During my senior year I applied to be a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) in Germany, and I was fortunately accepted. At the end of August 2019, I moved to a city called Rostock, which is located in the German Bundesland (state) of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I work in a school with students from 5th through 12th grade. My job is to expand students' knowledge of the English language and American culture, while also immersing myself in the German language and culture and engaging with my new community.
The past four months have already been phenomenal, and I am so excited to share the remainder of my adventures with you!