In the United States, I am used to seeing large garbage trucks picking up large waste bins. People pack up one bin labeled for trash and another bin for recyclables. In Barcelona, it is a bit different. It is normal to see trash bags lining the streets outside of people's homes. This looks dirty and unsanitary to my eyes, so why do they use this system?
Like many other cities, Barcelona has a lot of people in a small area. Garbage collection bins would take up too much space in the streets. Therefore, people put their trash into bags and leave them on the curb. Trucks collect the bags at night. If you want to recycle, you can find recycling bins around the city for glass, organic waste, plastics and metals.
In a small city with a lot of people, space is very valuable. In my town in the United States, there are fewer people and there's a lot more space for everyone. I realize now that I took all that space for granted. Do you have a lot of space to play sports or games near your home?