Transportation in Barcelona, Spain

Walking is probably the most common form of travel in the city. Nowadays, with new technology, electric scooters and bicycles are growing more common.

 Last but not least, you can use a boat to travel around the harbor. This, in my opinion, is the most fun version of transportation here!

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I enjoyed using a taxi because the driver was from a different country. I got to learn about his culture. It felt good to go fast through the city because usually, I have to walk. I would like to take taxis more often, but they are expensive. Have you ever taken a taxi? 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Taxis are connected to the culture of the city. The fact that there are so many taxis in Barcelona means that there are a lot of people living in a small area and people want to get around fast. When you use a taxi, you don't have to spend time parking your car, and the taxi drivers are experts on navigating the city very quickly. You don't need to wait for bus stops and you arrive right at your destination. Some of the taxis are considered environmentally friendly because they run on electricity. This means the vehicle isn´t producing pollution within the city. 

Barcelona, Spain
